Title: Announcement

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Take advantage of the best domain pre-registration services for
the new top level domains of .Biz, .Info, .Pro, and .Name
domain names and join an aggressive affiliate program to earn 15%

I am pleased to announce the launch of

It is expected that over 3 million of the new domain names will be
registered in the first minutes when they become available early
this year. This will be the largest virtual real estate land grab in

The race is on!

You can try to get a great name like Medical.info or Monkey.biz but you will
be competing with some stiff competition, like these folks.

http://www.preregisteryourdomains.com has built the premier submission
service engine to help you to protect or procure your Internet identity.

For those of you who don't like to wait online, or realize that their
Ferrari (well actually Intel) engine will increase your odds of getting or
protecting your domain name then those on foot, please think about using
this service.

It's all about speed and right now the database queue is awaiting the best
names, so get creative :)

Desire to capitalize on this opportunity, please join the affiliate program
and earn 15% commission on all submission sales. It's simple and it's free
to join, all you need to do is put a link on your site and they do the rest.

Please visit http://www.preregisteryourdomains.com to learn more.

Thank you for your time.

Jean Newman
independent Affiliate for http://www.preregisteryourdomains.com


This is an opt-in e-mail from InternetMarketingDirect.com
If you feel you have received this e-mail by mistake
and do not wish to receive offers from our clients,
please click here
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