I can vouch for md's too.  I dj and stuff, and it's great for getting a good digital 
mix down straight out of the mixer, and you can do some fairly fine edits, as well as 
delete tracks and change order.  There's an optical...um...out i think...in addition 
tot he analog ins and outs, which theoretically could let you get no-loss digital 
stuff on your 'puter for dumping into a sequencer or to a cd or whatever.  also, I 
have a portable which has an extra advantage when travelling to exotic places...you 
can get a little microphone and get better quality street recordings than with one of 
those stupid microcassette things, and you can edit out the junk and just keep the 
good stuff.  oh, there is also a brand spanking new standard that sony came ut with 
that lets you fit something like 2 1/2 hours on one md.

I got mine on sale at minidisco.com.

> Hi, Kathryn,
> > For those of us who grew up in the pre-CD days, what do you use to
> convert your
> > collection of vinyl albums to a digital format? I've got about 500 albums
> that
> > I would love to convert if for no other reason than reduce the continuing
> wear
> > and tear of them.
> > I'm assuming that I'll need a soundcard with stereo inputs, something to
> record
> > from the line in,  possibly some software to remove/reduce crackles and
> such,
> > etc.  What is everyone else using?
> Actually, I'm using a non-computer based solution.  About four and a half
> years ago I bought an MD (minidisc) recorder, and I am *very* impressed
> with the format.  Basically, it's CD quality in an even smaller, recordable
> package.  Even nicer, when you use it in an MD walkman or a car stereo it
> doesn't skip the way CDs do when you hit a bump or move in even a
> moderately brisk way.  I am *very* sold on the format, and the prices have
> come way down.  Best Buy has had some excellent deals on MD recorders, some
> with built-in CD players for direct digital cloning.  Blank discs
> themselves can be found for just under $2 each for the 74 minute length,
> and a bit more (maybe $2.60) for the 80 minute length when you buy 5 or 10
> at a time.
> There are some records I had just worn out that are *still* out of print
> and never were reissued on CD.  My copy of the one and only album by
> Moustaki & Flarick, a real favorite of mine, comes to mind immediately.  At
> least now I have digital copies and the sound quality isn't deteriorating
> any further.
> Also, I used to travel internationally for work a *lot*.  I can't sleep on
> planes and at times had to go to places like Bandung, Indonesia, which
> meant 24 hours in transit from New York, where I lived and worked at the
> time.  Even travelling business or first class, 24 hours in planes and
> airports with no sleep gets to me.  MDs are so tiny that I could take the
> player and maybe 50 of them in my carry-on.  It was so very nice to have my
> favorite music along.
> There is also an active online MD trading (bootlegging) culture :)
> FWIW, I would copy this to Grrltalk, since if we continue an MD thread it
> really doesn't fit here on TechTalk any more.  I can't because I'm
> responding from work.
> All the best,
> Caity
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Caitlyn M. Martin             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Analyst              (919) 541-4441
> Lockheed Martin
> (a contractor for the US EPA)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     kjh@flyballdo                                                   
>                     gs.com               To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
>                                          cc:                                         
>                     12/12/00             Subject:     [techtalk] converting vinyl to 
>                     03:02 AM             digital                                     
> For those of us who grew up in the pre-CD days, what do you use to convert
> your
> collection of vinyl albums to a digital format? I've got about 500 albums
> that
> I would love to convert if for no other reason than reduce the continuing
> wear
> and tear of them.
> I'm assuming that I'll need a soundcard with stereo inputs, something to
> record
> from the line in,  possibly some software to remove/reduce crackles and
> such,
> etc.  What is everyone else using?
> While I'm at it, if anyone happens to know where I can a digital copy of
> "Whatcha doin' to me?" by The Reds (1979) please let me know.  Nothing has
> come up on Napster.
> Kathryn Hogg
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