Check out the keyboard at I think
that one should be dishwasher (and smoker) safe! ;-)
Eric R. Turner
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Davida Schiff wrote:
> Rumor has it (thousands of years ago) HP put all their "used" keyboards in
> the dishwasher to clean them, and then sent them out as replacements to
> their customers when their keyboards failed, as warranty replacements.
> Davida
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 1:00 PM
> To: Chris Lewis; LinuxChix Techtalk
> Subject: Re: [techtalk] Smoking kills!
> From: Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > <un-lurk>
> > I've never had an experience like this as a result of smokers, but we do
> > have a car dealership client who's server sits very near the repair shop.
> > Anytime you have to crack the case on it, the inside looks like they used
> it
> > to drain the oil out of an old VW Rabbit. This has caused serious
> problems
> > with their tape backup functioning properly. The oil, grease, brake dust,
> > and other assorted crud in the air from the shop has gummed up the drive
> and
> > caused it to cease functioning. I would imagine that the tar in cigarette
> > smoke would have similar effects. It's bad enough to crash the system,
> but
> > if you're backup isn't working when it goes down, you're really out of
> luck.
> >
> > </lurk>
> Thousands of years ago I was a systems analyst for a small
> oil company. The woman who was the systems administrator
> there used to put keyboards in the dishwasher (honest!) to
> clean out all of the coffee, sugar and cigarette ashes and whatnot.
> Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't. For the heaviest of
> the coffee drinkers and cigarette smokers it usually didn't ...
> -- Julie.
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