Here's an interesting question in light of all of the backup conversation that happened recently... Does anyone know of a good way to backup a macintosh client via ANY of the linux backup utilities? Near as I can tell, there are three basic methods of backing of clients with linux: 1) Get a commercial utility that has built-in client support 2) Mount the client filesystem, and back it up. 3) Have the client mount the linux filesystem, copy the files there, and then have the linux system do its backup The first doesn't really work, b/c I haven't found any backup utility for linux that has a mac client, and I'm on a tight budget right now anyway. The second doesn't look promising either; the only thing I saw that suggested it could mount a mac remote filesystem was something like afps? and it's still considered alpha (I quote, from the website "be afraid. Be very afraid"). So that's out. The third option is possible, but not pretty for a number of reasons, not the least of which is I'd really like the server to be responsible for doing all the work. I'm thinking about going with AppleshareIP and having linux try and mount the filesystems via TCP/IP, using the HFSutils package, but A) I don't want to have to buy appleshareIP, and B) I'm not sure I trust the combination of that and HFS utils, not to mention any problems the backup utility might have with resource forks on mac files, or names with spaces... Anyone have any suggestions? -Brian ----------------------------- Brian J. Sweeney Systems Admin, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]