My printer - a DJ500 - used to work perfectly.

I don't print very often, so I'm not sure -exactly- when it
stopped working, but it was probably when I upgraded the kernel
from 2.2.14 to 2.2.17.   I can't see anything in the changes file
that is relavant though.

I have the right modules loaded:
   [root@mycroft] /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc# lsmod
   Module                  Size  Used by
   lp                      4580   1
   parport_pc              7300   1  (autoclean)
   parport                 7312   1  [lp parport_pc]

I'm not entirely sure if it's supposed to be on lp1 or lp0, I
think it's lp0 (I have 2 parallel ports).  BUt when I try catting
stuff out the ports, I get:
   [root@mycroft] ~gossamer# cat xmas_list >> /dev/lp0
   (just hangs until I press ^C)

   [root@mycroft] ~gossamer# cat xmas_list >> /dev/lp1
   zsh: no such device or address: /dev/lp1

I assume from this that it's lp0.  In neither case do the data
lights on the printer flash or anything like that, and nothing is

What'd I do?


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--
: But the possibility of abuse may be a good reason for leaving
: capabilities out of other computer languages, it's not a good
: reason for leaving capabilities out of Perl.  -- Larry Wall

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