On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Even if you *can* find a manual, or a relevant man page, sometimes it
> doesn't help... I'm supposed to run ldconfig after make and make install
> for a program I want to have, and on my red hat box, I get a not found
> error message. Funny, there is a man page for the command (it even makes
> sense!)... Funny, I am running as root for this compile and install job...
> Funny, I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

Usually root has a really limited $PATH environment variable (the $PATH
environment variable lists the directories that the shell will look in
to find the commands and files you specify on the command line). This is
usually limited for security reasons (i.e. so you don't accidentally run a
malicious version of a common program instead of the good one). I suspect
that the ldconfig program is in a directory that is not in your path. On
my Slackware 7.1 box it is located in /sbin.

Eric R. Turner

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