It's usually a good idea to back up a working copy of httpd.conf
before messing around with it ;-)
Eric R. Turner
On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Christian MacAuley wrote:
> > I have found out that my webroot dir is in /home/httpd/html/index.html
> > I tried to configure as you have pointed out in etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> > as follow
> > document root /home/antonxie/www/htdocs
> > and have mkdir-ed all necessary directory
> > I restart the doesn't work either
> > I try httpd -d /home/antonxie/www/htdocs to no avail
> > I try httpd -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to no avail either....
> > help needed.... more guidance please:)
> Hi, Anton. The exact directive you want to set is DocumentRoot in
> httpd.conf, replacing whatever previous DocumentRoot directive was already
> there. The best way to restart Apache (in my opinion) is to use this
> command:
> apachectl graceful
> You'll need to put an index.html file in /home/antonxie/www/htdocs.
> While you're editing the httpd.conf file, you'll find a ton of other
> directives that you need to configure, too. *Read* the conf file and all of
> it's comments entirely, and look up what you don't understand in the docs.
> This is one of the best ways to learn how to use Apache - as long as you're
> careful with what you change.
> Good luck :)
> ~Christian
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