On Sat, Oct 07, 2000 at 11:01:31AM -0400, Barbara McMillin wrote:
> I'm new to Gnome (and Netscape) having spent the last two years using IE on
> Windows. I'm having a problem with toggling between windows in the Gnome
> environment.
> Problem: When a Netscape window is in foreground on the Gnome desktop,
> clicking on another task in task bar does not bring that task’s window to
> foreground.
Something that is different about window managers in X Windows, as
compared to Microsoft's product, is that windows can have the focus
(i.e. the window that is currently accepting keystrokes) without being
on top of all the other windows. With this in mind, does clicking on a
task give the focus to the right window, or is it entirely ignored?
I suspect the former is happening (only because I've never heard stories
of the other). In that case, how to fix it depends on your window
manager a bit. Assuming it is sawfish (you can check by starting up the
control center and clicking on the Window Manager option on the left of
the window), start the control center and go down to the Sawfish window
manager options on the lefthand side. At the very bottom of the "focus"
tab is an options called "Raise windows when they are focused". Select
this and it should solve your problem. The "Delay in milliseconds..."
box under that is useful for when you have the focus following the mouse
(e.g. "enter only" a bit higher up that page). You don't want windows
popping up to the top of the stack just because the mouse passed over
them in transit to another spot, so you can tell it to not raise the
window unless you pause over it for a certain length of time.
Hope this helps,
Malcolm Tredinnick email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd
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