Damn, you stole my thunder :-)


Robert Wade wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, sara ruohotie wrote:
> >
> > > Is Linux close enough to UNIX that I could ask some UNIX questions?
> >
> > imho it is. but you have to remember, that linux *isn't* unix, it's
> > minix actually, it doesn't go with the unix standards.
> No, Linux is not Minix at all. While it is true that Linux's creater used
> Minix before he wrote Linux, any use of Minix elements was probably purely
> coincidental. In fact, the reason Linus wrote Linux, iirc, was because of
> his unhappiness with Minix. Now, would you pattern a creation after one
> that you don't like so much?
> Linus patterened Linux after UNIX, using UNIX and POSIX standards, giving
> it nearly complete compatibility with any UNIX varient (that goes along
> with UNIX and POSIX standards, that is), whether written completely
> independently - as Linux was - or came from the UNIX source family, in the
> case of Berkeley BSD UNIX.
> Robert Wade
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