I am pretty much a newbie at this, so please excuse my ignorance. We
have been having some problems with virual hosts using Apache. What we
discovered this morning is the question I have to ask. My boss tried to
stop and restart Apache through the Webmin interface. It stopped, but
failed on the restart. He went into the command line and issued the
apachectl start command, which did start it up. He then looked at the
process stack and noticed that the httpd processes were dated Sep30, and
not Oct 2. We were focusing on this dilemma (it appeared that httpd
really didn't restart) when he discovered that the commands he issued
right then before checking the process stack again had the date of the
httpd processes-- Sep 30. We checked the date on the server, and it is
correct. We then went to our production server, and noticed the same
thing-- the httpd processes are dated Aug27, and current commands just
issued also came up as Aug 27. Is there an explanation for this? Is this
something to be concerned with? He is at a loss to explain this, and of
course, I know nothing. :-)
Thanks in advance!
Yvonne Beever
Web Services Administrator
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
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