Hello !
Well, here I am with DSL and not able to configure it. I got off the phone
with my ISP not too long ago <not the DSL provider> and we went over how to
configure my routing because I was sure that was where the problem lie.
Routing looks fine. Looks like the driver is loaded fine either as a module,
or when hard configured within the kernel.
I can't even PING my DSL router. Needless to say, with all this heady
bandwidth waiting in the wings, I'm more than a tad frustrated.
If routing is consider fine, and I've got steady <not blinking> link light on
my ethernet card <does not go out after unplugging the network cable>...is
there *anything* else that should be considered?
The best thing we've been able to come up with is that since my light is solid
<unknown if that is normal for my NIC and Intel PRO100>, it might be the
network card. I'm going to try another one out tomorrow..thankfully my ISP is
gracious enough to lend me one, at least to try out to find out if that might
truely be the problem.
Kristin --anxiously awaiting the bandwidth critical mass 'moment'.
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