There was a logic error on line 44 of the script I sent, here's a fix to


                       Sam Lavenz -- KC0BUH
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     "I recognize no obligations toward men except one: to respect their
              freedom and to take no part in a slave society"
                   -- Ayn Rand -- _The Fountainhead_ --


# This saves us some headaches...if there aren't two arguments, we 
# print a usage message and exit.
unless ( scalar( @ARGV ) == 2 )
  print "Usage: $0 [infile] [outfile]\n";

# We read from the file in the first argument
# We append to the file in the second
open INFILE, "<$ARGV[0]" or die "Could not open input file: $!";
open OUTFILE, ">>$ARGV[1]" or die "Could not open output file: $!";

# As long as we're getting input from our INFILE
while( <INFILE> )
  next if /^$/;      # Go on to the next line if this line is blank

  # This is where all the magic is done.
  # We just run a pattern match on the string we've read in.
  # The first set of parens captures anything up to the last 
  # period followed by anything, it stores it in $1
  # The second (inner) set of parens captures the first character 
  # and stores it in $2.  
  # This effectively discards *anything* between the last . and the
  # end of the string.
  # => mydomain
  # mydomain.yourdomain => mydomain
  # so on

  # $_ here is simply the string. 
  print OUTFILE "zone \"$_\" {\n", 
                "\ttype slave;\n",
                "\tfile \"$2/db.$1\";\n\n",
                "\tmasters {\n\t\t204.177.32.2;\n\t};\n",

close OUTFILE;
close INFILE;

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