Excerpts from linuxchix: 26-Sep-100 [techtalk] need help with a.. by
> with the "file" line reading like:
> [first-letter-of-domain]/db.[domain-minus-top-level-domain]
Here's a way to get the [domain-minus-top-level-domain] part:
echo $DOMAIN | sed -e 's/\.[^\.]*$//'
This calls sed and tells it to execute the s/// command, basically,
s/something/somethingelse/ replaces "something" with "somethingelse".
The /'s are just used to separate the parts.
Here, I used a regular expression instead of just a string. A regular
expression essentially does pattern matching.
So what my sed s/// command does is replace anything that matches the
regular expression \.[^\.]*$ with nothing.
Here's what the bits of \.[^\.]*$ mean:
\. means '.'. I had to use the \ to escape it, since . is special in
regexs (it means match anything)
[^\.] means anything except '.' (with the \ escaping . again)
* means "the thing before repeated any number, including 0, times",
$ means "at the end of the line"
So the the whole thing means:
. then any number of things that aren't . at the end of the line
which should take off the last domain part.
To use this in your script, you can call it like:
SUBDOMAIN = `echo $DOMAIN | sed -e 's/\.[^\.]*$//'`
(backticks (``) meaning "run this command and use the output")
now for the [first-letter-of-domain] part:
echo $DOMAIN | cut -c 1
the cut -c command outputs only the listed characters; cut -c 1
outputs only the 1st character. It can also do fancier things, like
work on fields separated by delimiters, and there's an analogous paste
so you could use:
FIRST_LETTER = `echo $DOMAIN | cut -c 1`
for the whole thing, you could get them in variables like above, and
then echo them like that, or you could stick it all one one line,
echo `echo $DOMAIN | cut -c 1`/db.`echo $DOMAIN | sed -e 's/\.[^\.]*$//'`
(I haven't tried this stuff in a script, so if it doesn't work, tell
me and I'll actually try it)
If you want to learn more, read the manpages for sed, cut, and regex.
Regexs are a little hard to get the first time, though.
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