It sounds like your install overwrote your configuration files that came
with your distribution.  Your probably using twm as your window
manager... to fix it, you'd have to re-configure your configuration files
or else place .xinitrc in your home directory.  Inside .xinitrc you should

exec gnome-session

I don't know if you have to explicitly put in sawmill in that file... 


On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Lyric . wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm having some problems with the new XFree86 4.0.1 that I just installed.  
> The install went off without a single hitch and produced no errors 
> whatsoever, but unfortunately I have another problem.
> Whenever I start X it produces no error messages, but starts up with a white 
> screen and three Xterms.
> I was using Gnome with Sawmill, and I would like to continue using it but 
> need ot know if I have to reinstall Gnome to do it
> Thanks
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