Sunnanvind Briling:

>    Then you should be able to use ANY ftp-client
>    that come with your distro, but I'd recommend ncftp or you could try
>    'apt-cache search ftp' and just install whichever look interesting.
> Thanks for the tip.
> I just remembered that the last time I was fiddling with ftp I 1) had problem with 
>my connection and B) the server kept crashing. So now it's basically just a matter of 
>me taking the time to read a manpage and do some changes (just some small fixes to 
>the page, some opinions I no longer hold, and so on)..

If you are behind a firewall you might have to use an ftp-client that
supports passive connections. I wish I could use ncftp for that, but I
have actually never managed to get it to work in passive mode (ncftp
2.4.3 on Debian 2.2 or RedHat 5.2). Any tip (or config files)
appreciated :)

I usually end up using pftp, which is ftp in passive mode. Ok if
compiled with ncurses (or whatver. I wanna use the arrow keys and tab!)

> Sunnanvind (hope this doesn't get marked as OT/techy for grrltalk..)

Sending it right away to techtalk now :)
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Magni :)
ulimit is good for you.

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