Excerpts from linuxchix: 7-Sep-100 [techtalk] serial port...ho.. by "K.
> So, my issue tonight is that I'm trying to configure my linux box
> to let me hotsync my palmpilot.
> I tried to use ttyS0, but it said it was busy, and that's when i
> remember <DUH> it must be the modem.  So I tried ttyS1, and it
> just sat there and could not form a connection with cradle.  At
> this point, I thought I would be brilliant and just reconfigure
> the modem to use the other serial port so that I wouldn't have
> to go in and change my hardware...<so much for brilliance!>
> If I look in my ppp settings, my modem is designated as /dev/modem
> which is a link to /dev/ttyS0, so I changed that to point to
> /dev/ttyS1, and it couldn't communicate with my modem any longer. 

So changing the link only tells your software where you think the
modem is.  It's the equivalent of changing the modem setting in ppp
from /dev/ttyS0 to /dev/ttyS1 (but it's more convenient because
you can change the link once and any program that uses /dev/modem
will know). If you still want to use your modem on ttyS0, simply
change the link back.

> Where do I need to go to change what port the modem is using,
> or how do I configure the ttyS1 port to be able to be used by
> the modem?

If you do want to move your modem (why do you want to do that
again?) you need to configure the modem itself, but setting
jumpers, using isapnp, etc.  I assume you know how to do this,
since you apparently got it configured at least once.

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