Been there.  Done that. :)

Just go get v3 and do a forced downgrade.  Your database should come back
fine...mine did.


-----Original Message-----
From: Samantha Atkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 11:23 AM
Subject: [techtalk] rpm hell

I think I just did a very stupid thing or at least tripped over a
landmine in Linux.  I ran into a rpm package (emacs-20.7...) that would
not install with my standard rpm v3.0.4.  It complained that it could
not handle major versions greater than 3 so I assumed the message was
about rpm and the version thereof used to make this package.  So, I did
what I always do.  Ran out to my favorite rpmfind site and pulled down a
new (v 4.0) rpm package.  Before I thought about it (aren't trained
reflexes fun?) I hit a rpm -Uvh <new rpm package>.  It worked.  But now
rpm seems to have lost all track of its database and all knowledge of
and ability to know what the heck is installed on my system!

Is this recoverable?  And if so, exactly what needs to be done?  I would
hate to scurry through backups looking for the old rpm and pieces of its

Any help very much appreciated.  

- samantha

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