I'm not extremely sure about whether or not it would do you
any good, but there is a product called Partition Magic that
I have heard is good with partitioning problems... much like
the one you face.
Allen Heinecke
----- Original Message -----
From: Helena Verrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 9:23 AM
Subject: [techtalk] second hard disk
> I wonder if anyone can suggest how best to set up my
> second hard disk.
> The first one is about 2Gb and is pretty much full.
> So, I bought a new 20Gb hard disk.
> My first idea was that I'd just use it for storage, though I
> don't know if this is the best thing or not.
> I first formatted and partitioned it under windows,
> and then reformatted it under linux, without repartitioning.
> This was OK. But, later I resized the partitions including
> the one I'd left as fat, and now windows can't read any of
> it, and the windows utility for dealing with disk partioning&
> formatting will only offer to reformat the whole thing, and
> remove all the data, and now I've collected more data I've
> just been dumping on the new disk (while using linux), and
> I don't really want to have to move it all and move it back
> after reformatting etc with windows and linux again...
> is there any way round this?
> Also, I've just been using the new disk for storage, but,
> I wondered, would there be any advantage of changing it to
> the boot disk? I want to upgrade from linux (red hat) 5.2 to
> 6.2.something.
> Given that I have so little space left on the old disk, is
> this going to be possible there - maybe it will be difficult
> to have enough space for the new and old kernels on the first
> disk...
> (If I get a new kernel, then it might not be so important to
> have any extra space for windows, since various hardware will
> be supported by linux, and I wont need to use windows (at least
> for the moment).)
> Anyone got any advice?
> I'm sorry this email is somewhat vague. Just advice like what
> size partitions on which disks for what use would be useful.
> Thanks,
> Helena
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