Hey everyone...

I haven't been a strong commenter here on technical issues because
I very rarely have something of quality to add on technical questions.
I'm too inexperienced...

But now I have a problem... so now I have resurfaced...

As the subject of the email implies I am attempting to get my Apache 
Webserver to start doing php. I have installed the applicable packages
and when that didn't work, I went ahead and downloaded and installed
the source...

All of the binaries appear to run correctly, however there is an 
"invisible" process running a webserver on my box. As in when
I do a 'ps aux|grep httpd' or a 'ps aux|grep apache' I don't get
anything... the only hint I have as to what else may be doing this
is something called roxen that appears to interface with pike...

I have done everything I know to do... and am still experimenting...
but if anyone has any helpful comments on this I would be much 

Allen Heinecke


Version: 3.1
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