Hi, I received quite a few posts on installing Red Hat 6.2 on my Compaq. I'm happy to say that my friend and I "successfully" installed Linux after about 4 hours. We're installing it on her comp tomorrow. It was definitely good to have her around for moral support and to just say, "Get on with it" (I went back and forth with figuring out how to properly delete partitions and build new ones-not bad in the end). Tonight I did many things for the first time and feel pretty darn good about wiping Winblows off of my PC. The only glitch that occurred was that I couldn't make a boot disk after installation. I've got a SuperDisk for a floppy drive and am expecting some problems. keeping my fingers crossed... Thanks for your suggestions Carla. I did find the newbie site, which provided some good info on Compaq type problems. I also picked up a copy of Running Linux and it definitely came in handy. Telsa, I did have to use Disk Druid during installation. With some prodding from my friend, I finally deleted the partitions and put the Linux ones in place. I'm not booting straight into X. Thanks all... Now, tomorrow is another day...another day to get into more trouble... Jere _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk