I was all set to install the new KDE2 and StarOffice. After getting 
instructions here...(very clear, btw, thank you!) I followed them to 
discover to my dismay the program to unpack (is that the right word) and 
install rpms didn't get installed during initial setup of my SuSE 6.4.

So, I tried installing it...but it wouldn't do it! I'm going crazy here. 
The install kept telling me there were 3 packages that weren't associated 
(or something like that.) I recognized them from a couple of games I had 
attempted to install a few days ago and it said they needed. I thought they 
had been located and installed, but I guess not. Because of these 3 files, 
nothing else will install.

Also, my CD-ROM drive, which hadn't given me any trouble before decided it 
wouldn't open while SuSE was running in KDE. I would have to exit out of 
KDE to open the drive. Kinda hard to change CDs to the one with the right 
program on it. Grrrrr!

I'm a newbie enough that this is baffling me and I don't know how to  1)get 
the rpms installed without reinstalling the entire program all over again, 
and  2)make my CD drive work again. I even tried the mount, unmount, but 
mounted wouldn't make it open either.

Thanks for any suggestions. I doesn't help I haven't learned how to do much 
of anything from the command line yet.


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