On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 03:17:32PM -0700, Amanda LeNay wrote:
> We upgraded to Red Hat 6.2 (from 5.0) and now our cron jobs aren't
> running. The cron log file isn't showing any errors - in fact it looks
> like everything is running - only it isn't - nothing is executing. I
> have tried restarting crond but I don't know what else to do at this
> point.
> Any help would be much appreciated.

Two suggestions to help diagnose your problem:

(1) Look in /var/log/messages and see if anything was reported by crond.

(2) Try to run the various scripts by hand (/var/log/cron shows the
commands cron was trying to run) and see what appears.

Apologies if these are obvious things that you've already tried, but I
can't guess what else might be going wrong. My first thought is that
some crucial file you are relying on has moved in the upgrade (some
system thing that RH moved to a "better" location and you've hardcoded
the path), but it's only a guess.


Malcolm Tredinnick            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd

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