On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Kath wrote:
> Yes I've run portscans on it and FTP is open.
> >From the box I can FTP into itself easily.
> Its just FTPing from the box when in Windows which is the problem.
> Could it be that the machine is trying to do a DNS lookup on the IP address
> and can't when the Windows box is running? Thats the only thing I can think of.
What are you seeing in the log files on the Debian box when you are
unsuccessfully trying to ftp?
If it happened here, I would first check that the forward/reverse DNS
(and what the 'doze box thought it's hostname was) all matched.
> > > The issue is that when the Win98/Mandrake box is running the proxy, it cannot
> > > ftp into the Debian box. I can ping and use WWW, but when I try to access ftp,
> > > I connect but don't get to login and I guess the connection timesout or is
> > > dropped. But when the Win98/Mandrake box is in Mandrake and running ipmasq, I
> > > can ftp/ssh/www.
> > >
> > > Any ideas? This is really bugging me. This problem does not occur when the
> > > Debian box was running Mandrake.
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