> I have been an AOL user for five or six years.  My username, etc., is well
> established among my colleagues and friends.  I would like to continue
> AOL after I install Mandrake 7.1.  Can this be done?  Is anyone using AOL
> with Linux?  Where can I get some "How to" information?

AOL hasn't yet released a Linux client, but it's in their future.  There was
just a story on Slashdot about AOL's "secret linux project"
(http://slashdot.org/articles/00/08/13/137233.shtml) but it wasn't much of a
secret.  AOL has been pretty open about wanting to support more OS's.  But
will it be open source?  Doubtful ...

In the meanwhile, maybe you could pull it off with VMWare or Wine, like Kath


� Christian MacAuley � [EMAIL PROTECTED] � http://jellspace.net

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