On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 11:11:02AM -0400, Caitlyn Maire Martin wrote:
> Does anyone know of a more comprehensive GUI front-end for ipchains that would
> support this?  Worst comes to worst I can walk the client's admin through
> manually editing with a text editor, but nobody is really comfortable with
> this.  If not any alternate free Linux firewall suggestions?  

A quick look on freshmeat found gfcc (GTK+ Firewall Control Center).  I'm
not sure if it does exactly what you need (I'm not that familiar with
firewalling), but it's certainly work a try. :)


Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
System Administrator                  "Of course I'm crazy, but that 
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.                doesn't mean I'm wrong."
http://www.semo.net                           -- Robert Anton Wilson

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