Right on both counts! I was doing the install thru gnorpm and was messing
it up royally, the dot files bit was needed too.
But now it works! Hurrah, and I'm impressed - like the voice - very Star
Thanks a lot for your help
Colin (feeling much better now!)
>From: Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [techtalk] problems upgrading to gnome 1.2 and enlightenment
>Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 20:39:48 +1000
>When you say you "applied" the RPMs, what do you mean exactly? Did you
>do 'rpm -i ...' or 'rpm -U ...'. The first version installs the rpms,
>but will not remove any older versions, the second one updates older
>versions to the newer packages (the same as removing the old package
>before installing the new one).
>Could you check which version(s) of enlightenment the system thinks it
>has installed and is going to run? Try 'rpm -q enlightenment imlib
>fnlib' to see the package versions of each. You could also run 'rpm -qf
>/usr/bin/enlightenment' which tells you which package your system thinks
>the enlightenment binary is from.
>My initial guess is that you have somehow fooled it into running
>enlightenment 0.16.14 against an older version of the imlib library
>which is still installed. But that is just a guess taken from what you
>wrote above.
> > I can't see what's gone wrong - the only thing I can think of is to try
> > install from source but I'd prefer to figure out this and hopefully save
> > myself some time if that doesn't make any difference.
>This is unlikely to solve anything if your problem is somehow related to
>the RPMs you already have installed.
>One useful tip, if you get everything running perfectly: I am assuming
>you are upgrading from the default enlightenment that comes with RH6.1
>(version 0.15.x). In that case, remove all the 'dot' files from your
>.enlightenment directory in $HOME (I mean, all the files matching .???*
>-- so don't try to remove . and .., of course :-) ). If you don't do
>this, enlightenment gets a bit confused internally about what version it
>is running and you don't get the functionality of version 16 (although
>it still runs, so you often don't realise that something is askew).
>Malcolm Tredinnick email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>CommSecure Pty Ltd
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