> I would like to know what you think the Linux tech "basics" are in terms of
> what my chapter should cover for newbies like myself, and then to keep our
> guru women happy, what whizzy items should we focus on? We meet once a month
> for install parties but I'm trying to get a few more interesting things
> happening as well.
Like Jenn suggested, I would talk to the guru girls and ask them what
they're interested in. Maybe find some topics that ALL the girls are
interested in and see if one of the guru girls can present on any of the
topics (or if ANY of the girls are willing to study up on and present on
that topic). Maybe find a local LUG and ask that group if they have ideas
(in the Sunday Times' "Personal Technology" section there are usually
special interest group listings).. or talk to a linux-using company to see
if they have someone willing to come present.
As someone who is content with their current knowledge (minus a few
projects), I would still come to meetings even if all we were doing is
installing... the bull session and questions that come out of such a
meeting are always interesting.
You might also expand your once a month install party into an
install-and-troubleshoot party or an install-and-questions party where
people who have existing installs can come say "hey, anyone know how to
fix this problem?" and work it out for/with them on the spot.
As an aside... do you have set meeting times/places? While I live on the
other side of the state, my family lives in Seattle and we visit often.
It'd be nice to drop in on a meeting, if I knew when they were maybe we
could plan on being in town.
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