> 1.  I believe the best plan for me is to install Mandrake on a second hard
> drive rather
> than to dual boot it from the same drive that now runs windows.  That way, I
> can learn to use Linux without screwing up my Windows OS and applications.

The only real danger here is in repartitioning the drive. However, it's
usually unlikely that you happen to /conveniently/ have a spare
partition or two for Linux, so yes, use the other drive. :)

> As I understand it, all I need to do to manage this is to install LILO on the
> first hard drive.  Right?  Wrong?  Also, is there a set of instructions for
> installing Linux on a second drive somewhere on line?

Right. :)
As for the instructions, someone else sent you to the HowTos. Let us
know if you're still confused.
> 2.  I believe I can install a copy of Windows98 in the Virtual Machine
> running in Linux on my second hard drive without problems (conflicts) between
> it and Windows98 on my first drive.  Right?  Wrong?

Um. I don't know. Dancer runs Wine (a WINdows Emulator) and uses the
basic dual-boot Windows that's already there. But I don't know how
Virtual Machine does it.
> Some other issues:
> 3. I know that Linux does not yet recognize DVD drives.  I have learned
> through
> information on various Linux sites that this doesn't matter because Linux
> will treat my DVD drive as a regular CD ROM drive.  My question when
> installing Linux, it will ask me what flavor of CD-ROM drive is in my system.
>  What do I answer?  Is there a generic CD-ROM specification I can use?

Linux is getting there with DVDs. Of course, the whole legal mess may
mean we solve it technically but aren't /allowed/ to install it.

However, there's a fun little clause in the copyright act modifications
for digital media: 
        1. copy protection schemes may not be reverse engineered
        2.  nothing in this act may restrict fair use.

Being able to /use/ an honestly-bought drive and an honestly-bought DVD
fair use, isn't it?

Well.. we'll manage, one way or another. ISO9660 should be your generic

> 4.  Where may I find out what hardware Linux supports? For instance, I have a
> SyQuest 1.5 MB SCSI external drive and a UMAX SCSI scanner. I am also running
> a Palm IIIxe.

There's SCSI support, so they should work fine.

There's a whole /range/ of Palm syncers and suchlike. I'm currently
using JPilot, but we installed a whole bunch of new ones when I upgraded
Gnome, and I'm about to experiment with them. :)

Jenn V.
       "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
                you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman       

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