On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 09:20:35PM -0400, Subba Rao wrote:
> I have installed GPG on 2 different machines. The different user accounts on
> these machines are identical. Very likely, I plan to have 2 sets of keys for
> each user account, one for each machine. Are there any good practices
> regarding the number of keys a user may have?
> Once the keys are generated, where do I keep the public key? Is there a public
> server for the GPG public keys?

Whoa! It was a bit spooky reading that message, since I'd jsut finished writing
an explanation for some of my workmates about how to set up and use gpg (our
company is slowly moving towards an "all outgoing email must be signed" policy)
and so had been investigating exactly that issue.

It turns out you can use the pgp key servers for gpg keys as well -- so I'd
start by looking at www.pgp.net. The gpg manpage recommends doing

        host -l pgp.net | grep wwwkeys

to find out the name of a keyserver near you (they all synchronise with each
other, so you only need to submit to one). Then

        gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --send-keys malcolm

for example, should do the trick.


Malcolm Tredinnick            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd

PGP signature

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