> What's KOffice anyhow? Where can I get it? Is it Open Source or free or > anything? More importantly (to me anyhoo!) is... do you have to run ALL of KDE to run it? (I guess it's status on word docs is up there, too) I'm pretty happy with staroffice, but if there's something lighter and meaner that doesn't require a lot of disk space (I don't have the disk to install KDE, staroffice is on my fat partition, unfortunately), I'm all ears. -nicole _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk
- [techtalk] Kleopatra -- what replaces kmenuedit? Caitlyn M. Martin
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- Re: [techtalk] Kleopatra -- what replaces kmenu... Nicole Zimmerman
- Re: [techtalk] Kleopatra -- what replaces k... Caitlyn M. Martin
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