If they have their solution already set up, your best bet is to write a
script that monitors the health of all the servers, and returns the
information to the machine that runs the DNS. Once you have this
information, you can write another script that takes servers off the DNS
round robin if it goes above some threshold. Some edge conditions have to be
dealt with, example, minimum numbers on line all the time.
Generally speaking, round robin algorithms are best for tasks that are all
similar in nature (cpu usage, memory usage, time to completion) so I don't
think you'll get anything by changing the algorithm. What you need to do is
check for over use of one server and put that temporily off line until it
I don't know if there are products out there that can do the job, but perl
has all the requirements to allow you to do it yourself.
Just my thought
On Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:12:25 -0400, Shane Landrum wrote:
> Hi all----
> So I started a new job with a company that does lots of work with open
> solutions, which is fun. One of the first tasks I've been put up to is
> researching clustering technology for a client. The client has a cluster
> VA Linux webservers that are currently set up with round-robin DNS; they
want a
> more robust solution that'll route traffic away from dead webservers and
> load-balancing among the servers that are up. I've never touched
> technology, and this is a bit daunting to me.
> Can anyone recommend which software/packages/vendors I should look at
> or stay away from? For example, I've been warned away from piranha
because of
> security issues in recent versions. Or, for that matter, can anyone tell
> me what's behind the various cluster/HA products on the commercial
> Most of them look like packaged versions of the LVS project's tools.
> So far, I've looked at Understudy
> (http://www.polyserve.com/prod_overview.html) and at packages that
> Linux vendors offer (Redhat, TurboLinux). I'm also looking at
> which seems to be a decent noncommercial package of the Linux Virtual
> project's tools. How much of a pain is it to set up clustering with any
> these, and which tools offer the best feature set?
> TIA,
> srl
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Shane R. Landrum + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Software/Systems Engineer
> ------------------ www.ainnovations.com ----- Anansi Innovations --
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