Nicole Zimmerman wrote:
> As far as I know, any athlon will need a big ol' power supply. They
> shouldn't be that much more expensive (if any) than the 'normal' wattage,
> though.
> -nicole
> At 10:05 on Jul 13, Kath combined all the right letters to say:
> >     Does the Athlon processor and SD11 mobo need 350 watt power supplies?
> >
> > - Kathy
> >

Well, I run SlotA Athlon700 (and standard PentiumII cooler on it) on
Asus K7M mb at home, all in FK-603 case with 2 fans and 300W power
supply and I don't have any problems with heat or with power. I've heard
that most of 250W PS are OK but wanted to be absolutely sure that
everything will run fine so got 300W one.

Athlon is very fast at computations, well-supported by Linux and
relatively cheap, and if you get normal PS all that talks about
Athlon-related problems will seem like FUD to you :)


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