I'm not sure about telnet taking so long (it's usually faster for me to
telnet using a unix box than it is a windows box in general) but for ftp
you might check your /etc/wu-ftpd/ directory and all it's files.

Probably the big one in there is ftpaccess, it has configuration
information for the welcome message stuff, who can get in, and what they
can access. Make sure they're pointing to the right files and/or are
configured right. If you make any changes you might want to HUP the ftpd
(probably by HUP-ing inetd, unless by some chance your ftpd is being run
separately) and try again.


At 08:56 on Jul 8, Kath combined all the right letters to say:

> Using CuteFTP this is the log of what happens:
> STATUS:> Connect: Saturday 08:53:07 07-08-2000
> STATUS:> Connecting to
> STATUS:> Connecting to (ip =
> STATUS:> Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
> ERROR:> Timeout
> ERROR:> Can't login. Still trying...
> STATUS:> Disconnect: Saturday 08:54:37 07-08-2000
> Between "socket connect.  Waiting for welcome message..." and "Timeout"
> there is about a minute delay.
> - Kathy

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