I'm afraid that putty does not support ssh2 at the present time. my suggestion, dump
ssh2 and dl ssh1 or openssh.

Adrian Glover wrote:

> I am new to using SSH, and when I try to use putty to connect to my linux server
> at home from work, the window appears, and dissapears immediately. I tried using
> telnet to connect to the SSH port and all that happens is the following string
> appears at the top of the telnet window (leading me to believe I am getting
> through the firewall)
> SSH-2.0-2.0.13 (non-commercial)
> I am not sure if I have setup my ssh2d server properly.. I basically just built
> it, and ran it. I can ssh2 localhost and log in fine from a telnet window onto
> that machine.
> Thanks for your help,
>  Adrian
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