here's a neat X trick a smart person recently taught me for borrowing an x
session from somewhere else and putting it on a second display on your own

setenv DISPLAY :1 for csh,tcsh,zcsh or export DISPLAY=:1 for bash/ksh
X -query're.borrowing.from :1

then as someone mentioned earlier, you can flip back and forth between the
2 displays with cntrl-f?.  I use f6, f7, and f8 cuz that's how it came.

> I want to bring up X-Windows windows from my Linux box at home from the various
> workstations at work. I can't install SSH clients here, so I have to use telnet,
> and exceed (an X-Server for windows).
> I've been told port 6000 is the key...
> "Jenn V." wrote:
> > 
> > Do you mean 'to transmit an X-Windows session over TCP/IP'?
> > Not sure. Be aware that it can be made to run under SSH, so
> > you may want to poke holes there as well.
> > 
> > Jenn V.
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