most of the boot up files are in /etc/rc.d, just look around there and
look at what it does

on resources:
I'd really reccommend you get a book such as Running Linux (O`Reilly),
this particular one has helped me immensely, and it just plain rules. A
tip, don't get a book such as 'Linux for Dummies' or 'Learn Linux in 24
hours,' don't be enticed by the low price or the cdrom, both of those
books really suck, and taught me the wrong way to do everything. 

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, jennyw wrote:

> Hi, all!  I'm just starting to get into Linux.  I've installed it on a few
> computers, but now want to learn more about what happens behind the scenes.
> Hopefully I can find some answers here! Specifically, I'm interested in
> knowing  ...
> What are typical directory structures and file locations?  I know these
> differ from distribution to distribution (and from computer to computer),
> but some patterns probably exist.

> What happens on bootup?  For example, what are the boot files, what order do
> they get loaded in, and how do you find them?
> What good resources are there that describe things like the above?  Are
> there any books that anyone can recommend?
> Thanks!
> Jen
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