i had a line in a script that went like

        echo "passwd for $pos: `/usr/bin/mkpasswd -l 8 -d 2 -c 2 -C 2
$pos`" >> 

you could put that in a for loop and have mkpasswd create and set the
password at the same time, then spit the password out into a file so you
know what mkapsswd decided on for each user.  i'm not looking at this real
carefully so write back personally if you need more context or
clarity.  if you already have the passwords that you need to use, i think
that would be a job for expect, which i don't know.  sowwy.

> Hello all-
> Haven't been on the list in a while...hope everyone's doing well in their
> endeavors.  I have what I hope is a quick question.  I would like to know if
> there's a way (possible using perl/expect?) to add multiple users from a
> text file list all simultaneously.   I figure I could either put the
> usernames and passwords in one file (deliminating them with commas, spaces,
> tabs, <CR>, whatever), or put the username list in one file and the password
> list in another.
> ex.
> User-pass-file.txt
> ------------------
> Brian         f8lhwlv
> Jeff          3jfh0w0
> Tom           20jflwp
>       OR
> User-file.txt
> -------------
> Brian
> Jeff
> Tom
> Password-file.txt
> -----------------
> f8lhwlv
> 3jfh0w0
> 20jflwp
> Is there a built-in linux command to do this, or does anyone know of a good
> script?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> PS-I'm just now about to check out the Crimson Lust site...we'll see how it
> turns out...=)
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Stephanie Alarcon
Unix System Administrator
work: (856) 793 4224 x 1049
cell: (856) 904 3390

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