Okay, here are the steps as I understand them (let me know if this helps):

Go to the etc directory and run the command:
./htpasswd -c directoryname.pwd username

htpassword will prompt you to enter a password twice.  Once it's done, you
can cat directoryname.pwd to see that it has created a file containing
your username and an encrypted password.

Next created the .htaccess file in the directory you wish to protect.  It
should look something like this:

AuthUserFile /etc/directoryname.pwd
AuthName "This is a Protected Area"
AuthType Basic
<Limit GET>
require user [username]

Next, in the access.conf, locate the .htaccess.  There are
instructions in the comment lines about the AllowOverride line.  By
default, it is set to None.  With this setting, Apache will not read the
.htaccess file. Change it to: 

                        AllowOverride All

Stop and restart apache.  That ought to do it.

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Lilly S. wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone on here would be so kind as to help me out with
> this problem I've been struggling with for the last two days.
> I need to configure apache so that the entire site that is password
> protected. I have tried configuring access.conf and I put .htpasswd and
> .htaccess in the directories and all, and it's still not working.I'm very
> confused. I followed the directions outlined in the Apache book, and on
> the apache page to no avail. What am I missing?
> I'll be glad to include my access.conf in an offline email to anyone who
> thinks s/he can help.
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Lilly
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