On Sat, 27 May 2000, joey tsai wrote:
> > Kill off those little gnome-* processes one at a time and see what goes
> > away. This usually isn't fatal. You can restart them from an xterm and
> > be back where you started. Killing off gnome-session will log you out,
> > though :-)
> > If you're not happy about killing things, stop them with 'kill -STOP', do
> > a screen refresh and see what doesn't repaint itself. And then 'kill
> > -CONT' them when you want them back in the land of the living.
> If you should decide and use this method of watching processes to figure
> out what does what, you might as well install gtop. As you may have
> guessed, it's a gnome version of top. Plus, right click on a process and
> you can send all the signals you want to it (including STOP/CONT).
An even easier method (to just determine whether something is to be blamed
on WindowMaker or GNOME) is to just change the theme in
Settings->Desktop->Theme Selector. Use a comparably weird one (e.g.
Pixmap) and what changes is GNOME stuff (well, actually it's something
using the Gtk+ widget library, but in this case this will suffice), what
doesn't change is WindowMaker's (WM uses it's own widgets).
Nils Philippsen / Berliner Straße 39 / D-71229 Leonberg // +49.7152.209647
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