I'm designing a mini-course, a hands-on introduction to the
underpinnings of the Internet.  One version is for middle school or
high school students at a private school in the Washington DC area. 
One version is for law students.  I'm hoping to attract girls and women,
so I'm emphasizing protecting the Internet, as opposed to using lots of
carnivorous wizard metaphors.
        Feel free to take a look and give me comments.  Should I add or
delete topics?  
        I would like to improve upon "Net Rangers" as a name.  It soun
ds too much like law enforcement, and is not available as a domain name.
        Thanks for your ideas :^)
        High school course: www.hinkypinky.com/highschool.html
        Law school course: www.hinkypinky.com/lawschool.html

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