Hey Melissa,
Thanks for the post, it's good to see others reviews. Bastille is a
great program and now that it has support for rerunning it and also
rollback prior to changes that bastille made I like it even more. Here is
a e-book that may be of interest to you, since you seem to be using RH6.x.
It's more of a step by step, but hopefully it'll provide some insight as
to what bastille acutally does, that is if this would interest you. Before
they added proper logging it was a pain to figure out what had been done.
Anyhow here you go -> http://pages.infinit.net/lotus1/
One warning, it's huge. I took it to Kinko to get bound after printing it
and had to seperate into two halves. It has really helped me understand
security and make me feel a little more confident about tightening things
Harry Hoffman
Manager - Information Technology
Restaurants Unlimited Inc.
206.634.3082 x. 270
On Mon, 22 May 2000, Melissa Plunkett wrote:
> Hello all,
> I thought I'd share a really kewl program with all of you that
> I first tried out a few months ago. It's a program called
> Bastille Linux (http://bastille-linux.sourceforge.net/) and
> helps you to secure your Red Hat 6.0 box. The reason I
> am posting this is that if you are setting up your first
> Red Hat server I think one of the most difficult things is
> securing it. The idea of trying to secure a server can
> be overwhelming. What is good about Bastille linux is
> it gives you a really good start. This is because as you
> run the program it explains what it is doing step by step.
> After running the program you will have a much better
> understanding of some of the major security concerns. I think
> this is a program we will all be seeing a lot of as it
> improves and is developed to work w/ more distros. Hopefully
> I'll have time this week to write a full review of this 'ware
> for the linuxchix.org site.
> btw: If you enjoyed this post and found it helpful please let
> me know. I have found a lot of neat software in my
> "quest for the secure box" that I'd be happy to write reviews
> and or shorts posts like this for the techtalk list.
> Enjoy,
> Melissa
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