actually, over here we're using Cobalt servers ( the
inital setup is really easy, just punch in an ip adress, netmask, and
couple other things on the lcd display on the front of the thing, and the
rest of the administration is done through a web interface. they are
bright translucent blue, monitorless linux boxes designed to simplify web
and email server setup by putting all major administration tools behind a
fairly friendly passworded web interface, but you can still telnet/ssh to
the command prompt and tool around in there.
btw, they are really cute and a stack of the rack mounts looks very snazzy
and hip in the server room.
unfortunatley, I'm having trouble getting mail to work on one of them,
although all the webservers have worked pretty much immediately. Oh, and
we had one that wouldnt' boot, but that's the first hardware problem
we've seen after ordering 7 of them, including one that is acting as a
firewall for my boss's home cable modem setup. i'll let you know if
there's some big secret to setting up the mail stuff (the goal is secure
imap...but first we wanted to try secure pop and can't see a whole slew of
services...have a call into cobalt)
On Mon, 22 May 2000, A. Morner wrote:
> Hi Folks..
> Brief intro: Tech Coordinator of a small accounting firm in NH, some
> experience in Linux, mostly user-end, but still learning as I go along..
> Background: I've been asked to build a redhat box that will serve as our
> email, web and ftp server (among various other little tasks).. We already
> have one server up and running RH 6.2 with a BP6 motherboard by Abit, only
> trouble being that the ATA/66 drives we put in, had to settle for 33. Tried
> using Gentus, a highly plagarized version of Redhat put out by ABit, but
> something wasn't stable and I'm not LinuxLiterate enough yet to figure out
> what it was so we went back to RH. I'm not certain with regards to the
> other components where to go from here..
> My question: What would you folks recommend for an "ideal" server. My boss
> wants me to use a dual-processor motherboard and it looks like that will
> have to be the BP6.
> My goals: I want it fast, I want it stable, I want it easy to setup. I
> want to put the system together and install with no glitches. My goal in
> this is not to learn how to recompile a kernel (I'm sure many of you are
> smirking saying "if you only knew how easy it was," but I've other things I
> need to learn first. (That can come later ;)
> Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated..
> TIA,
> Angela
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