On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 04:11:38PM -0400, Christian MacAuley wrote:
> Due a recent policy shift at the web hosting company i work for, i have to
> switch my whole FreeBSD/Apache website over to Solaris Sparc 2.6. Now i'm
> having trouble making Apache with the all the modules i need.
> The module i *really* need is mod_so, which will allow me to start new
> modules without remaking Apache. Unfortunately, i've been unable to build
> it into Apache.
> Aparently, all i have to do is add the following line into my Configuration
> file:
> AddModule modules/standard/mod_so.o
> Unfortunately, modules/standard/mod_so.o doesn't exist. The file is
> mod_so.c. Do i need to compile this to mod_so.o?
> I'm totally new to Solaris, and fairly new to compiling my own stuff, so i'm
> pretty lost. Can anyone help (please)?
When you build apache, you have to enable the module. Probably, if
you run configure like:
$ ./configure --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max
(you might need to put other options)
After you install apache, you should be able to enable mod_so in
apache's configure file.
For better and more details about options for configure script, you
might want to look at README.configure file in apache's source directory
and the output by running './configure --help'.
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