Hi again.
I realise my last previous question on how to assign an IP address to a host was vague. I may need to indulge in some explaining.
I'm encountering several blocks (basically due to a lack of thorough knowledge of Linux) while setting up a network. I'll begin from the beginning.
I with my project team have developed a new router (/routing algorithm) that we got to demonstrate at our undergrad project exhibition. This we intend to do with a file transfer demo where the routing is done by our router (instead of RIP). For this, we want to set up a network of 3 hosts. We are using PPP with serial ports in a NULL MODEM SERIAL CONNECTION.
I've installed Caldera on two machines and configured both to be hosts. Now I want to assign each one IP addresses, use ports ttyS* and bring up a communication link. Because I'm using a null modem (modem absent) connection, I cross connected the modem cable (used between the serial ports belonging to the two) internally i.e. TXD line of one goes to RXD line of the other and vice versa. (Has any of you done this any time?) In effect, this is not ethernet cuz I'm not using any lan cards.
To begin setting up the link,
  • Shouldn't each host know what IP address is  assigned to itself? When I tried assigning an IP address to this host that had the default lo address, it did not work. (I used Lisa, Linux Installation and System Administration utility) Is my logic totally off point? How does the host know by which IP address it is associated with by other hosts in the network? I am not using a DNS server for my tiny network. i.e. in my /etc/hosts file, how do I have an entry for itself given a host (with an address other than the loopback)?
  • Now, incase I have to run getty on this link, how and where should I begin? I looked up relevant man pages but am at a loss. I am trying to figure out the sequence of commanding the OS. ( pppd, setserial, term, getty, ifconfig, netstat, route...all these swim around me in my dreams but I can't get them to line up in the right sequence for the job)
  • This may sound stupid, but how do I tell the OS that at ttyS0 is a valid serial link which leads to a host with a certain IP address?
sorry for including too much into a single mail. Thought this would make it clearer. Thanks a ton in advance. I've asked for a lot of info. That's because, there is a lack of Linux expertise in my college and so nobody to solve the small, nagging problems.

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