I found myself trying to make sense of a queer problem today. I am installing Caldera OpenLinux Lite on 3 machines. Installation into 2 of them went fine. Infact it happened like clockwork. Now, on this 3rd machine, it installs completely and reboots perfectly the first time after install. The next time I boot/reboot it, Linux just disappears from the machine and it boots into dos as if the installation was never done.
I use fdisk to partition. It was fine in the last two cases. I did not want to risk though. Which is why, I repartitioned again and installed. And then I had to do it again. But to no avail. The problem is recurring.
Has anybody faced similar problems? Or can somebody think of what could be doing it?  How can the machine develop amnesia just like that??
By the way, this is my first experience with installing an OS (and partitioning too).
I gave swap partition size of 32 MB and native partition of 500 MB (which was sufficient to load the standard version of 212MB). The disk has 2GB with a dos partition of 300 MB.
I have tried with a larger linux native partition of 700 MB too. With no luck.
Help pleez.

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