Connie Waring wrote:
> does anyone know how (if?) I can put 2 graphics cards in a linux machine and
> have 2 X displays?
> I looked at the XFree86 4.0 documentation and it says it supports some
> multi-head configurations, but it doesn't describe how to do it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Connie
If i remember correctly, multi head display is only supported by
the Matrox G400 dual head cards. As far as two video cards, i
have not seen this supported at all in any X server. I think the
main problem has to do with the specific IRQ/IO that memory cards
use, and two cards would end up clobbering each other.. (this is
probably wrong, YMMV)
Good luck! and let me know if you do get it working with
anything other than a G400.
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