Ingrid Schupbach wrote:
> Sheesh, I sure hope lurking is ok -- there are lots of us out here.
> Though I suspect the bigger danger is that you're about to be scolded for
> posting an non-tech related message on the techtalk list.  For matters of
> etiquette, it may be better to move to another list.  :)

Specifically: grrltalk.
Further discussion on this topic to grrltalk, please.

And yes, lurking is just fine. Though if you know an answer, and noone else
has given it, please speak up. Even if you only have a lead to the answer,
say something. It can be terribly helpful to be told 'I think I saw
something about that in ....'

Jenn V.
  "We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor. 
   This is women's work!"
                Helix, Freefall.

Jenn Vesperman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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