Are you talking about the very first screen you see, before all the boot
messages scroll by? That's the BIOS splash screen..  The i-opener discussion
board at just had a thread about replacing it.  Futzing
with your BIOS is a bit risky; be sure to back up the old BIOS image and have a
handy method for reflashing your hapless chip.

Liz Cortell

Davida Schiff wrote:

> Hi,
> Hope everyones weekend was good. Quick (unusual) question...Is there any way
> to hide the boot screen (on Red Hat 6.1)? I would like to replace it with
> short stories and poetry and pictures if possible. If so, where do I put in
> a script for this? Can it be done? I would really like to personalize my
> Linux Box.
> Thanks,
> Davida
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