Thanks Telsa!!!

The Alt trick worked under RH 6.1 with Gnome/Enlightenment!!! Sorry I forgot
to mention that in my bleary eyed state of existance at the time of my first
writing ;) I will delve into when I have some tyme to tinker ;)

I really appreciate you taking the tyme to answer my distress call :)

Thanks Again,

----- Original Message -----
From: Telsa Gwynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2000 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Netscape screens...

> On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 12:12:38AM -0400 or thereabouts, Sharon Souter
> > Hello,
> >
> > Speaking of Netscape. I have encountered an unusual (to me anyway)
> > When I go to the screen to configure my e-mail server, the bottom
> > below the working area on my screen and I cannot get to the OK button to
> > save my settings to save life :(  This is the only program that is doing
> > this.
> Oh, fun.
> > I have tried changing my resolution, which I really didn't want to
> > that didn't help either. The virtual desktop is no help, it just shows
me a
> > blank screen below where I'm trying to get to. I have also tried all of
> > window functions. What am I missing here?
> You don't say whether this is Netscape on Windows, which I know nothing
> about, or Netscape on Linux, which I assume given the topic of the list.
> What window manager are you using? Many of them have a neat trick of
> moving a window around even when it's too big for the screen. In mine
> (windowmaker) for example, instead of holding down button-1 on the
> titlebar to move it about, you can hold down the alt-button and then
> hold down button-1 anywhere on the window and move the thing about.
> So you can move the whole thing up the screen and get at the OK button
> as it comes into view :) It's very very handy. I don't know what it is
> for other window managers, but it will be there somewhere.
> The other thing about Netscape is that there will be a file somewhere
> on your machine called (it's in /usr/doc/netscape-common*
> on my machine) and it has a lot of defaults in it. If Netscape is the
> right size, just starting too low, I believe this is the place to
> set the geometry for when it opens. It's a massive file with lots of
> sections: with luck there will be one for the size of the preferences
> windows too? If so, you can fix it permanently with that, I expect.
> Note: I've never changed anything in that file. I get as far down as
> about five screens in (which is sill only 1% of the way, and I start
> giggling at Jamie Zawinski's (I suspect) rants about keyboards and
> keyboard bindings and forget what I was intending to do. But I am
> told that's where to look, anyway..
> Telsa
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