>> --checklist "$Text" 15 40 7 0 "Midnight Commander" off
>> ^ ^
>> | |
>> here must be Quotes !!
> Escape them...like this:
> Item1="0 \"Midnight Commander\" off "
if I use "echo $Item1" it works properly, but not in whiptail !!!
I have used following:
#! /bin/sh
Titel="Michelle's Box"
Text="Michelle bastelt am Debian/GNU-Linux 2.1r5 herum."
Item1="0 \"Midnight Commander\" off "
Item2="1 \"Mouse support\" off "
Item3="2 \"Dos-Tools\" off "
whiptail --title "$Titel" --checklist "$Text" 15 40 10 "$Items"
but I get the error:
whiptail: bad parameters (see man whiptail(1) for details)
And if I echo the string I get
0 "Midnight Commander" off 1 "Mouse support" off 2 "Dos-Tools" off
and it is OK. Why ??? If I use whiptail like
whiptail --title "$Titel" --checklist "$Text" 15 40 10 0 "Midnight
Commander" off 1 "Mouse support" off 2 "Dos-Tools" off
It works !!!
Whats wrong with it ??
Linux rebootet man in drei Fällen:
Neuer Kernel, neue (Board-)Hardware, Stromausfall....
Aber Windows rebootet man auch in drei Fällen:
Schutzverletzung, Bluescreen, keinen Bock...
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